Welcome to ITC 2024!

Dear Colleague,

We are holding the conference in beautiful San Diego, CA.  We have a fantastic program that addresses new test technology challenges that significantly affect today’s electronic products!

ITC is the world’s premier conference dedicated to electronics test. This year’s ITC continues with its mission to play a unique role as an information sharing forum, where the wide range of its offerings allows ITC participants to learn, network and conduct business. This year’s program includes a top-notch technical program, vibrant exhibitors, information-packed tutorials, interactive technical panels, three workshops, as well as the all-important networking that these events can provide. The technical program has been designed to optimize personal interactions on all levels. This year’s program will include papers from a pool of impressive submissions and solicited papers. Of these submissions, a large number will focus on AI, automotive, memory, and hardware security. In complement to the paper presentations, there will be special sessions on hardware security certification, chiplet integration, silicon lifecycle management, computing in memory, as well as design and test of high-power compound devices and quantum electronics.

We are continuing and expanding on the inclusion of the Industrial Practice papers sessions as ITC has a very strong focus on industry practice as well as industry and academia advances.

ITC 2024 features a vibrant exhibition showcasing relevant companies. The exhibition will serve as a convenient one-stop-shop for all the elements of test technology.

This year’s live event will enable us to embrace all of the features of the conference such as personal interaction and networking. Join us for the Wine and Cheese event after the Monday evening panel which kicks off ITC 2024. The ITC Grand Reception will be held Tuesday evening.

Last, but not least, I would like to recognize the enormous efforts of the multitude of dedicated volunteers who made ITC possible by donating their time, expertise, and enthusiasm. Without their hard work and dedication, ITC would not be possible. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to join our exciting team in the future.

ITC is the premier event for networking, where professionals from all over the world converge to sharpen skills, exchange ideas and do business. Join us, throughout the conference, for networking activities and to unwind.

Anne Gattiker

Anne Gattiker

2024 General Chair

Savita Banerjee

2024 Program Chair

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