Take this opportunity to benefit your company while supporting the institution that for the past four decades has provided the venue for members of the test research, development and manufacturing communities to meet and further the field of testing. Its world-class exhibition has showcased the latest in test-related hardware, software and services. This opportunity is available to both exhibiting and non-exhibiting companies.
ITC is pleased to offer companies the opportunity for visibility at the conference through a selection of key advertising activities. You will at the same time, be supporting the institution that for the past four decades has provided the venue for members of the test research, development and manufacturing communities to meet and further the field of testing. Choose from the following marketing and advertising tools to help your company enhance its exposure at ITC and within the international test community. Please use the attached order form to mark your preferences. Where production is included in the cost, you will be responsible for providing the appropriate logos or materials. Advertising opportunities are sold on a first-come first-served basis.