ITC Is Now Accepting Nominations for the 2019 Gerald W. Gordon Award for Student Volunteerism
The International Test Conference (ITC) , the Test Technology Technical Council and the IEEE Philadelphia Section sponsor the Gerald W. Gordon Award. The award to the recipient consists of complimentary tutorial registration for one morning and one afternoon tutorial for each of the 2 days they are offered, complimentary full conference registration for ITC, complimentary registration for one of the at conference workshops, up to $750 for travel expenses to the conference and free lodging for the nights of attendance.
Eligibility Requirements
The Gerald W. Gordon Award recipient must be a student in good standing at an accredited university or college. Award recipients must have done volunteer work for one or more IEEE conferences, symposia, workshops and/or organizations dedicated to the development of electronics design and testing fields.
Consideration shall be given to the amount of volunteer service given; the breadth of volunteer service given; the impact of the volunteer service give; and worthiness of the candidate.
Nomination Process
The form for nominating a candidate can be obtained by clicking on the following link, “2019 Gerald W. Gordon Award Nomination form”. The nominator must complete and submit an application form to summarize why the applicant is qualified for the award and list the relevant service work. In addition, the nominator must identify 2, but not more than 5 endorsers. The nominator must inform the endorsers that they need to email an endorsement of the candidate as described on the nomination form. The nomination form and endorsement emails should be sent to Kenneth Mandl at and Yervant Zorian at No later than September 24, 2019. All candidates will be notified of the selection decision by October 1, 2019.
Gerald W. Gordon
This award is in honor of longtime test community volunteer, Gerald W. Gordon